
Showing posts from June 23, 2019

The beginning of our end; Quéribus Chateau; Chateau Peyrepertuseis, Montsegur; Foix

Our Church Week —This week is ‘repas’ week and the theme was a regional food from France. It was Valerie’s idea and it was a perfect idea to celebrate France for us and for the Branch.  More on that below.  Apartment hunting —A lot of this week went to helping our Bayonne Elders find an apartment.  Let it be known, without technology, this would be an entirely different task.  Bayonne is 1 ½ hours from us and we are able to do all the searching and approving remotely.  The Bayonne Elder’s proprietor is selling the apartment so they need to find a place ASAP.  It can be tricky here in France because generally speaking, proprietors do not like to rent to organizations (e.g., the government who provides subsidized housing or handicapped housing).  The proprietors have had bad luck and make a blanket statement, a flat out “no”.  NO organizations.  It really puts a monkey wrench in the works for us, an organization (in their eyes). The Chu...