Lighter later; Saint- Émilion

Lighter later at night; Saint-Émilion Lighter later — It’s been a long time since either of us has lived farther north from the equator than San Diego and prior to that when we lived in Puerto Rico. We both grew up with warm, longer summer nights: Meg in Pennsylvania where it was light until about 9:45pm and prize-winning Alaska, where Marc lived and it was light until 2am. It took us years to get used to San Diego and Puerto Rico where summer nights just don’t extend that far into the night. It’s taken us both only an instant to be snatched back to our childhood memories and days with high-in-the-sky sun like we have here in France. Church today —We’re just amazed at the turn-out of investigators that came today. We had an unprecedented 5 investigators from 4 different families. One returned for the 3 rd time and the others were here for the first time. We couldn’t be happier for them. We credit the fast (24-hour period withou...