Left-overs: Carcassonne, “yellow vests” and the last of Fall
Our Church Week —This week, we traveled to several conferences. To start, Saturday, we had 5 hours of instruction in Tarbes. Then on Sunday the young missionaries walked over to our house at 7am and we drove together with them to Toulouse for the second day of instruction for our Stake Conference (10 or so church local congregational make up a stake). Instead of driving homeward to the west only to return through Toulouse to our east, we continued on and drove across the country to Lyon, France for a large all day Missionary Conference (about 160 missionaries divided into 2 days). We know that to receive blessing we need follow the commandments that God has given us. So for every law or commandment there is a blessing (or sadly, a lack of blessings if we choose otherwise). One scripture (Doctrines & Covenants 130:21) says, "And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated." Our Mission Presi...