Fêtes de Tarbes; rain, rain gone away

Pictures below. Marc's turn for a talk -- This Sunday Marc gave a talk in church. We do not have a paid ministry in our church; we are all volunteers (we actually pay to go on our mission). So members of the congregation alternate giving talks in church. Because there is no paid priest that delivers sermons, everyone gets their turn as that is how we grow and learn. We learn best by teaching, and that experience we gain goes with us when we leave this life and go on to our life beyond. The subject of his talk was Bénédictions non réclamées, or unclaimed blessings. We believe that there are laws just like gravity that we all have to follow in life, and if we do better at following these laws (being obedient), we will be happier in this life and beyond. One of our scriptures the Doctrines and Covenants (D&C 130:18-21) says : 18 Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise wi...