Zone Conference; Cirque de Gavarnie
Our Church Week —In a word, meetings. It’s September and the start of the new school year for the northern hemisphere. With it, comes new beginnings for the teachers within the Church System as well as back-to-school meetings. In one way shape or form, we are all teachers at Church whether it’s Sunday School, Primary Program (ages 3-12) Young Men/Women, Relief Society (women’s group) or Priesthood. Even the administrative and music program are teaching-oriented. So, meetings. Tuesday we had a Tri-Zone Conference in Toulouse, 2 hours to our north. This was our second conference with our new Mission President and his wife. They are sharp right out of the gate and fluent in French and English. The meeting was conducted in French for about 99% of the meeting. Every once in a while, they liked the way such and such was said in English rather than French, so they’d use those words or phrases. We did surprisingly well...