
Showing posts from January 6, 2019

Three Kings Day; Sainte Croix du Verdon

6 January 2019 Our Church Week —What a full and rewarding week with lots of celebrating, French style.  The Christmas Spirit and The New Year still fill the air….cold as it is (turned 12 degrees F this morning).  We’ve had a very wonderful week gathering with different Church families and individuals since everyone is still off this past week.  Tradition continues to unite France’s people and it has been fun to celebrate age-old traditions. We’ve received yet more chocolate boxes and gifts.  We will be in good supply for many weeks, if not months, to come.  And of course French cooking, dinner dates and conversation is in extra supply these few weeks along with all the sweet treats. Earlier this week, we had Jean-Claude over to practice reading the Scriptures.  He has been taking the Temple Preparation classes and was planning to attend to attend the Bern Temple (Switzerland) this week with a friend over the holiday break.  We read an arti...