Sushi, training in Carcassonne, and more fall leaves in the Alps

Our Church Week —We had our District Meeting in Pau (45 mins to our west) this week. District Meetings are two times per transfer (6-week period). One of the young Missionaries is the District Leader calls the meeting to order and conducts the 2-hour long meeting, and then it rotates from Missionary to Missionary over their course of 2 years. For us, this is the beauty of the Restored Gospel: On Sunday, Marc is the President of the Tarbes Branch; but throughout the week as a Senior Missionary, we belong to a District of Missionaries. So during the week, he is then in the “student” position under a young Elder District Leader. Any business items from the Mission President are disseminated and discussed under the direction of the Young Missionary. We coordinate any baptisms and always brush up on our teaching skills. At the end, the tradition is that we sing the mission song, take a picture of our District showing which transfer we are curr...