
Showing posts from March 18, 2018

We've been noticed

March 18, 2018 Shorter picture version at the bottom. This week —We’ve been noticed; there’s no other way to put it.  We got many a look at the typically French markets with our business attire and black name tags moving through throngs of shoppers and vendors.  Poussard being a VERY French name and our American look but the Church name on our name tags in French puzzled quite a few.  They expect English and out pours our broken French.  And they seem delighted.  It’s quite the conversation piece and conversation starter.  We even got a serenade with Elder Poussard carrying a few swigs of fragrant Magnolia branches through the French Market.  Apparently there is a French song about magnolias and as we passed by, the vendor sang it…..for all the world to hear.  She was quite uninhibited; and well, we’ve been noticed.  Then Friday, we spent the day moving the Elders across town with our little Toyota Yaris hybrid. If we counted correctly, 12 trips.  It’s surprising what did